Sign Up For Service *-Select a choice-Transfer of AccountBrand New ServiceDate* MM slash DD slash YYYY Name*Street Address*City*State*Zip*Home Phone*Email* Emergency Contact Phone*Address of Property*Account to Be Issued in the Name of*Date Requested for Service to Start**Will you be residing at the residence as owner or leasing out the residence?*-Select a choice-Residing AtLeasing OutBy clicking the submit button below you are stating that you have read, understand and agree to the following: Lockwood Water & Sewer District Rules and Regulations are available on this website for review and future reference. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION: By acknowledging this request, applicant, under penalty of law, represents that he/she is eighteen (18) years or older, of sound mind and legally owner of the real property described herein, and, if acting on behalf of a corporation, partnership or other non human entity, that he/she is duly authorized to enter into this agreement on behalf of such entity. IDEMNIFICATION: Applicant agrees to protect and hold harmless the District from any and all liability, loss, costs or expense, including attorney's fees on account of or in any way resulting from suits, claims, or actions for damages to any person arising out of or resulting from any false statement, representation or certification contained herein. NOTICE: WATER SERVICE WILL BE SHUT OFF AT THE TIME OF FINAL READING AND WILL REMAIN OFF UNTIL ALL OUTSTANDING BILLS AGAINST THE PROPERTY ARE PAID IN FULL.CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Contact Us 406-259-4120 1644 Old Hardin Rd Lockwood, MT 59101 Hours of Operation Monday - Friday8:00am to Noon1:00pm to 5:00pm SERVICE FORMS DUPLICATE BILL REQUEST (RENTER) SERVICE REQUEST (LANDOWNER) WATER SERVICE TURN OFF-TURN ON REQUEST (LANDOWNER) SERVICE DISCONNECT REQUEST (LANDOWNER)